France Galop: mandatory vaccination requirements against Equine Herpes Virus
The British Horseracing Authority (BHA) would like to make industry participants aware that France Galop has amended its Rules of Racing to make vaccination against Equine Herpes Virus mandatory for all Thoroughbreds in training and racing in France. The BHA will not be advocating mandatory vaccination against Equine Herpes Virus for racehorses in Great Britain, however, all British racehorses that are intended to run in France must be vaccinated in accordance with the France Galop Rules of Racing.
This Rule has not yet been published in the France Galop Rules of Racing. The requirements of the Rule will be made effective 3 months after publication. The BHA will communicate the date of publication as soon as we are made aware of it.
Vaccination Protocol
The vaccination protocol will be the same as the protocol for vaccinations against Equine Influenza:
• The horse must have received two primary vaccinations which are given not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days apart.
• If sufficient time has elapsed, the horse must also have received o A booster vaccination which is given not less than 150 days and not more than 215 days after the second component of the primary vaccination
o Further booster vaccinations at intervals of not more than a year apart (or such lesser times as the Authority may, in an emergency, decide) Booster vaccinations at six months are not required, though these may be administered in accordance with the vaccine manufacturer’s recommendations if deemed appropriate by a trainer’s veterinary surgeon.
The horse must have been vaccinated against Equine Herpes Virus by a veterinary surgeon, and the vaccination must be licensed for use in UK.
Stand-Down period following vaccination
France: none of the vaccinations must have been given on the day of a race in which the horse is declared to run or on any of the 4 days before the race.
Great Britain: none of the vaccinations must have been given on the day of a race in which the horse is declared to run or on any of the 6 days before the race. This Stand-Down period applies to all vaccinations, including Equine Herpes Virus.
Failure to comply Horses arriving on racecourses in France that have not been correctly vaccinated against Equine Herpes Virus will not be permitted to run.