BHA issue notice, regarding Regumate Equine, to British racehorse Trainers
On 11 September the BHA published a Notice regarding the use of products which contain altrenogest – a copy of this notice can be found on the BHA website.
At the time of publication, the BHA obtained samples from several different batch numbers of Regumate® Equine 2.2mg/ml Oral Solution for Horses (MSD Animal Health) and requested analysis of these samples from LGC, our partner analytical laboratory. The results of this analysis detected the presence of trendione in the above batches of Regumate® Equine.
Trendione is an anabolic steroid, and is a Prohibited At All Times Substance under Schedule (G)1 of the BHA Rules of Racing.
The relevant Rules for Substances Prohibited At All Times can be found in Schedule (G) – Equine Anti-Doping Manual. The associated penalties for these Rules are found in the Guide to Procedures and Penalties 2018.
Due to the above results detecting the presence of trendione in Regumate® Equine, the BHA would advise that the possession, use or attempted use, and administration or attempted administration of Regumate® Equine could amount to breaches of the Rules of Racing.
As such, at this time, we would advise trainers and other industry participants to remove Regumate® Equine from all licensed premises, and not to administer this product.
Further work is ongoing to gain a greater understanding of this issue and updated information will be provided to the industry when it becomes available.
Trainers are encouraged to discuss alternative treatments with their veterinary surgeons in the first instance. Further advice may be sought by contacting the BHA Equine Health and Welfare Department on 020 7152 0090 or equine@britishhorseracing.com.