E-MAIL:        secretary@arvs.org.uk

For all membership, events and general enquiries please contact our secretary on the email address above.

Event Reservation Forms

Casualty Management Seminar 2024

Casualty Management Seminar 2024

Register to attend the Casualty Management Seminar at Aintree Racecourse - 4th & 5th November 2024

  • Those attending for 1st time must register on the Mentoring Programme before becoming fully accredited - details will be sent prior to CMS
  • Confirmation is sent VIA EMAIL – please ensure that this is the address you wish confirmation to come to. All delegates MUST now attend both days; This is a BHA requirement
  • Reserve your Place

    Please choose from the options below and then submit the form. Places will not be confirmed until payment is received, we are no longer able to accept cheques.
  • The discount is available to ARVS Members of 6 month's standing. Payment must be made to confirm your place. A receipt will be issued on receipt of payment, if an invoice is needed prior to payment, please ask BY RETURN.
  • £ 0.00
    Cancellation Policy. - Refunds will be given if cancelled 42 days prior to the course and will incur 10% administration cost. Cancellations between 41-28 days prior will incur 20% administration costs. Cancellations between 27-14 days will incur 40% administration costs. No refunds will be given after this date. Bookings can be transferred to another delegate, but if that person is not an ARVS member, will be liable for the difference in rate and will be charged at 5% administration cost if less than 28 days prior to the course.
Summer Scientific Meeting 2024

Summer Scientific Meeting 2024

Current and Future Diagnostic Imaging of the Racehorse

Summer Meeting 10th June 2024, The Belfry Hotel & Conference Centre, Milton Common, Nr Thame OX9 2JW

  • Confirmation and directions will be emailed to this email address.
  • Reserve your Place

    Please choose from the options below and then submit the form to be taken to reserve your place then contact the secretary for payment, reservations without payment will not be processed and places not reserved.
    Please note we are no longer able to accept cheques.
  • Payment must be made at the time of booking to reserve a place
  • £ 0.00
    Refunds will only be given if cancelled 42 days prior to the course and will incur 10% administration cost. Bookings can be transferred to another delegate but if that person is not a member, will be liable for the difference in rate