BARTA Emergency Bag
BARTA Emergency Vet Grab Bag The BARTA Emergency Vet Grab Bag has been developed by BARTA vets for equine veterinary professionals providing emergency support during equestrian racing or eventing and for everyday veterinary emergencies. It is available for ARVS members for £125. Featuring 2 distinct colour coded sides, the bespoke layout provides the essential equipment for immediate first aid or euthanasia. Ergonomic handles link together to form a comfortable carry bag or padded shoulder strap offers a hands-free carry option for longer periods. The bag is made of micrAgard, our anti-microbial fabric which promotes hygiene and ease of cleaning. Features include: Drop down sides for
Endoscopy Pads
Endoscopy Pads – Pads of duplicate Endoscopy Forms are available from the Association via our secretary at a cost of £15 or single sheets can be downloaded from our Members’ Area. PLEASE NOTE YOU ARE PLACING AN ORDER FOR MERCHANDISE ONLY – YOU WILL BE CONTACTED FOR PAYMENT AND DELIVERY OPTIONS